A little bit about this place

I make pixels jiggle, in the hope of getting a laugh or a tear.

"I wanted to do potato prints...but am running low on root vegetables."

Welcome to MonkeyBum.gallery - the home to "MonkeyBum Animation" by me, Lee Caller.

Here you'll find the gallery to my creature and character animated pieces, a 3D model or two (which you can use for your own animation or games), and pretty much anything else I conjure up along the way (checkout my blog).

If you're a glutton for punishment you can see the person behind the pixels - for a clue to how I ended up in this weird world I've created.

How is this done?

At the moment the main bits and pieces used to create what you see here are:

Autodesk Maya
Autodesk Mudbox
Adobe Flash (Animate)
Adobe CC

Fancy a chat?

If you like what you see, feel I can assist you in any animation/3D modelling piece of your own or just have general questions then by all means give me a shout.
